Your First Paediatric Visit.


The first visit may be an in-person visit or it may take place over a video call with your child’s therapist. The advantage of a video call (or TeleRehab as we like to call it) is you get to stay in the comfort of your own home; as well best practice research indicates that observing a child in their most natural / familiar environment will allow for the most accurate assessment of the child’s current abilities. Additionally, if the child has multiple pieces of equipment (including but not limited to a wheelchair, standing frame, braces, and/or a walker) the therapist is able to see everything without you having to haul it all to the clinic. TeleRehab also gives the therapist a clear understanding of the space and equipment available in the home which helps with treatment planning.


Step One

During the first 30 minutes of the initial visit the physiotherapist will conduct a routines based interview to learn more about your child and your family. A routines based interview is where the physiotherapist will ask questions about the natural routines that occur within the child’s home and other regular environments (like school, daycare, grandparents home, etc.). This will include questions around play time, preferred leisure and family activities, the child’s interests and preferences, the child’s abilities and challenges, and the child’s goals. If it is age and developmentally appropriate for the child to actively participate in this discussion around their abilities and goals we highly encourage them to participate in this part. However if the child is unable to participate in the discussion we ask that, if possible, the child is supervised in a separate room while we complete the routines based interview with a parent or guardian.


Step Two


Step Three


Goal Setting

During the next 30 minutes the physiotherapist will ask to observe and assess the child. This may include observing the child playing and moving around their environment. Your child’s physiotherapist may ask you to facilitate different positions which may include sitting, standing, crawling, walking, if appropriate. This allows the therapist to observe the child’s current abilities and build a personalized treatment plan to work towards the child’s goals.


Finally, during the remaining 30 minutes a formal goal will be written collaboratively with the physiotherapist and parent(s)/child. The goal will be specific, measurable, appropriate to the child’s current abilities, and include a time frame to achieve (we typically set a goal that can be achieved within a 4-6 week time frame). The goal will include strategies for the parent(s) to incorporate into their daily routines. If you haven’t already done so, a follow up appointment will be scheduled with the physiotherapist.
